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Overview Customize Advanced results

How to Use the SciWise Dashboard


In order to access your survey data, results and advanced analytics, you need to access your SciWise dashboard from a web browser on any device. Go to the following link:

If this is your first access, you will be requested your personal or institutional login details on the screen.

After logging in, you will be welcomed by a selection of widgets that you can customize containing data and results from your evaluation system.

Customize Dashboard Home

In order to customize your dashboard home, click on “EDIT WIDGETS” and drag and drop widgets to your liking or select extra widgets from the dropdown menu. When ready, click on “stop editing” to save the desired layout.

In order to change which survey system results and analytics are presented in your dashboard home, click on the middle button labeled “Other Dashboards” and select from the dropdown menu

You can sort the data presented by an specific time interval, by changing the initial and ending dates in the top right corner

Explore all your widget options and select the ones you find more useful. They include social media sharing tools, Google maps location of respondents, timeline submissions graphs, number of emails or survey opens, and much more.

Advanced results

If you want advanced results, find on the top-left corner next to the QA logo the menu button to open a side panel with your additional data.

Menu options:

  • play_for_workSurvey Analytics

    Find a variety of advanced analytics, results, graphs and word clouds that our system automatically generates and categorizes from your survey responses. Click on «See more» for extra graphs and statistics.

  • play_for_workEntries

    Find more detailed information about your responses, you can read all questions submitted by any particular participant.

  • play_for_workSurvey Preview

    Find a live and interactive preview of your surveys exactly how they will be presented to your participants.

  • play_for_workExport Data

    Automatically request a spreadsheet file containing all the data from your entries.

  • play_for_workTeams

    Find information about the rest of your team members and the different teams of which you are part of.